Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Autumn (or if you're silly, "Fall")

Autumn's the season of change, sandwiched neatly in between two different extremes. It's progression from one place to the next, and home to ten thousand pretty photo postcards featuring explosions of red orange, yellows and altogether scenes of loveliness. It can be beautiful, warm, artsy, splendid, and an all manner of other positive adjectives that can make you feel anywhere between happy and ecstatic.

Or not.

The postcards lied, because everything isn't peacefully orange at all. There's no warm breeze- there's a ****ing gale trying to not just blow the leaves down, but the actual tree. Things are cold, and wet, puddles can be the size of swamps, and raking leaves is a royal pain in the ass if they're wet and mushy. There's none of this smiling and having a good time while raking leaves, and leafblowers/suckers are one of the best inventions never fully realised: they fail to catch the leaves, but are overly keen on munching the gravel from the drive, how's the hell does that work? Even worse, none of these trees are even mine- if the leaves are from the tree of a neighbour shouldn't he be the one sweeping the damn things up?

The worst thing about autumn is that it is just that, a change. A filler season where everything changes, and things go from brilliant to shit, all in a manner of weeks. It's winter...but somehow worse, and a season that sometimes feels like it's there, only to annoy.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Circuit City.

As you may have noticed, I have not posted in this darling blog very much recently. You might think that I have tired of the blog, have forgotten it, or have not had anything to write about. You, non-existent reader, are quite incorrect.

The reason for my absence is this: Circuit City is inefficient. My laptop - my wonderful, beautiful friend, my dear laptop - had been going through a rough patch, as they say. Blue screens of death, random beepings and shut-downs, temporary amnesia.. Poor thing.

When a computer is having troubles, you take it to a doctor. Circuit City was its hospital of birth, and they now provided its health-care. (If only children had warranties [/old, bad joke]) SO I took the laptop to the City of Circuit on the third of October. On this day, I was given a piece of paper, a filled out form, upon which was printed, "Promised [return] date: 10-17-08".

Please, look at your calendar. The day is now 11-15-08. We are well past October the 17th. If they had promised the computer for 10-12-08, I may have thought, hm, perhaps they were British in writing the day before the month. However, I have yet to meet a 17th month of year. Maybe there is one somewhere in the universe, but on Earth, there are definitely only 12 months.

As you have undoubtedly, and correctly, assumed, my associates and I have contacted Circuit City about this problem. Numerous times. Have they been helpful? Well.. not especially. They do not fail to agree when it is stated that the situation at hand is ridiculous, but rather than fruitless sympathy, I would love to have my laptop back. And fixed, preferably. Though I have reached a point in which I might just take the laptop back unfixed, with reimbursement for the warranty, what with the bankruptcy of the company. I'm not so sure I want my computer to be tampered with by a desperate sinking ship with limited accessories.

I just want my laptop back. Please. I need it. It is attached to my soul. -Dramatization-

Circuit City, you hinder me. I limp. Damn you.