Friday, October 24, 2008


Or so I'm told by our dear Sarah Palin.

And since I hate America so much, I am not entitled to freedom of speech. Or so is implied by America-lovers.

Methinkst this is a bit of a paradox. Let's say I start as an America-lover, but then question a Republican leader- I have become an America-hater, which then strips me of free speech. So if I have no freedom of speech, I do not question the Republican leader, making me an America-lover again, which once more gives me freedom of speech .. to question the Republican leader. (Of course to question a democrat is patriotic!)

Gosh darn it, I love the Constitution so much, I hate America.
Will this idiocy never end? Will I ever be able to peacefully enjoy the pleasures of the Constitution again?

I do love America. But I hate the morons who tell me I don't.

1 comment:

M. S. Equinox said...

Not to go against my current Facebookian profile, but you'll be able to enjoy the Constitution once Obama's elected, I daresay.