Monday, August 25, 2008

Okay, so y'know what I hate?

I hate people like this:

I mean, really.

In the course of trying to find a suitable picture on Google Images, I discovered that "Wigger" is, in fact, a real last name. Just ask Torben Wigger!

Cue my immature giggles.

Fortunately, he's never going to see that I'm making fun of his last name, because a person that old is clearly never going to use the internet.

Also, firsties.


E. Marmoset said...

Mr. Wigger has truly rad glasses.

M. S. Equinox said...

Hah, I didn't even notice them! Those are quite awesome.

Darwin said...

Mr. Wigger looks like Dame Edna sans purple wig.

E. Marmoset said...

I actually thought just the same thing.

Darwin said...

To throw some gas on the fire, I really hate wiggers, too. Idiots who personify douchebaggery, they are. The fucking *stupid* hat, delicately set askew on top of a neglected hair style. Oversized, baggy clothing from Sean John or whatever the fuck labels they like to buy from. Musn't forget the crackpipe.

E. Marmoset said...

And I really really really hate the word "wigger".