Friday, September 5, 2008

Flaky people.


I absolutely HATE flaky people.

What's more, I hate it when people I care about flake on me. Take my best friend, for example. She is the Patron Saint of Flake. Why on earth would you swear up and down that you'd be somewhere at a certain time, clear your schedule, and tell your best friend that you'd be their ride... then NEVER SHOW UP?

I don't even want to know the excuse right now. (I'm sure it isn't even a good one.) It's just plain rude. How many times does one excuse actions like this? I know I've been far too forgiving about the flakiness in the past, but Mr. Nice Guy has checked out of the building. The claws are coming out, and Best Friend is going to get an earful.

Fucking christ, am I pissed.

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