Friday, September 12, 2008


At this moment in time, I cannot think of anything more detestable, more miserable, than job-hunting.

Please, kill me now. I've applied to so many places. So many. No one wants me. I am unwanted. Times like these, the phrase, "I fail at life" never leaves the head.


M. S. Equinox said...

O hay, welcome to my situation.

Darwin said...

Could I hire the two of you as my personal assistants? Really, I mean... I'm kind of a superstar (in my own head) and I can't be bothered with things like dry cleaning, driving, scheduling hair appointments, or preparing my own meals.

You can start ASAP.

Pay is negotiable.

(And by pay, of course, I mean Skittles.)

E. Marmoset said...

Skittles, Skittles, bite-sized candy.

Wouldn't it be great to be someone's personal assitant?